Monday, July 14, 2008

does anybody really know what time it is?

Right now these clocks have 'photoshopped' hands but they will soon be a real clocks. Not sure what kind of hands I'll end up with when I finally get to go shopping for them but probably something similar unless I find some chartreuse, neon-glow, ultra modern ones. That would make them more interesting, I'm sure.

The one on the left is one of those typical mixed media, never could be duplicated sorta pieces. All the texture was accidental, a result of an attempt to deviate from the recommended components of a crackle technique. The one one the right turned out a bit more like it was supposed to except that the background (which was the residue of a failed photo transfer) added a yellow cast that I don't love. I kinda like the one on the left better but the other will be completed and can be a backup just in case there's a run on crackled, digital clock collages.

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